[gmap height=”250″ latitude=”52.21132″ longitude=”6.01808″ zoom=”10″ popup=”true”]
[tab title=”Parameters” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
[list icon=”check” color=”blue”]
[tab title=”Shortcode Option Panel” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”3229″ caption=”Google Maps Shortcode Options Panel” alt=”Google Maps Shortcode Options Panel” align=”center” icon=”zoom” width=”594″ autoHeight=”true” quality=”100″ lightbox=”true” title=”Google Maps Shortcode Options Panel”]
Displays a simple map with controls and adds one marker. The viewport gets centered automatically.
[gmap latitude=”47.660937″ longitude=”9.569803″]
[gmap latitude=”47.660937″ longitude=”9.569803″]
Changes the map type to physical view.
[gmap maptype=”TERRAIN” marker=”false” zoom=”10″]
[gmap maptype=”TERRAIN” marker=”false” zoom=”10″]
[gmap controls=”false” scrollwheel=”false” marker=”false” zoom=”3″]
[gmap controls=”false” scrollwheel=”false” marker=”false” zoom=”3″]
[gmap latitude=”47.660937″ longitude=”9.569803″
html=”Tettnang, Germany” popup=”true” zoom=”10″]
[gmap latitude=”47.660937″ longitude=”9.569803″ html=”Tettnang, Germany” popup=”true” zoom=”10″]
you can use address instead of latitude/longitude.
gMap automatically geocodes the given string and places a marker and center the viewport.
[gmap address=”Tettnang, Germany” html=”Tettnang, Germany” zoom=”10″]
[gmap address=”Tettnang, Germany” html=”Tettnang, Germany” zoom=”10″]
[tab title=”Featured Header Code” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”][divider_padding]
To get a fullwidth gmap into the feature header gmap shortcode needs to be inserted into the Feature Header Custom text-area in the Striking Page General options of that page and make sure the Feature Header Type is set to display that area only.
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”1876″ caption=”Gmap Shortcode in Feature Header Custom text area.” alt=”Insert striking Gmap Shortcode in Feature Header Custom text area” align=”center” icon=”zoom” width=”620″ autoHeight=”true” quality=”100″ lightbox=”true” group=”gmapfa” title=”Gmap Shortcode in Featured Header Custom text area.”]
[tab title=”Custom CSS” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”][divider_padding]
After that in the same Striking Page General options Custom CSS is needed to alter the behaviour of the Feature Header.
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”1879″ caption=”Gmap Shortcode in Featured Header Custom CSS” alt=”Insert Gmap Shortcode in Featured Header Custom CSS” align=”center” icon=”zoom” width=”620″ autoHeight=”true” quality=”100″ lightbox=”true” group=”gmapfa” title=”Gmap Shortcode in Featured Header Custom CSS”]
[tab title=”The Code” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”][divider_padding]
[gmap zoom=”3″ latitude=”51.51121389999999″ longitude=”-0.11982439999997041″ popup=”false” controls=”true” align=”center” width=”100%” scrollwheel=”false” html=”London UK, Map center”]
#feature .inner {
padding: 0px;
#introduce {
#feature .bottom_shadow,
#feature .top_shadow,
.has-shadow #feature .bottom_shadow,
.has-shadow #feature .top_shadow {display:none;}
#feature .inner .gmap_marker {
Note: Gmaps center on pageload not on page resize or swap from landscape to portrait or vice versa.