[list icon=”check” color=”blue”]
[list icon=”check” color=”blue”]
The Striking Theme will also support with any issues your own created templates if you follow the php/css/html coding rules of the theme and wordpress.
[list icon=”check” color=”blue”]
In each page, post or portfolio item a layout can be set to type “Default” in which case, for that page, post or portfolio item, the default global layout will be picked up as set in the Striking Theme settings. Striking supports global layout settings for:
[tab title=”Pages” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”2436″ caption=”Global Page Layout Settings” alt=”Global Page Layout Settings” align=”none” icon=”zoom” width=”600″ autoHeight=”true” quality=”100″ lightbox=”true” group=”globallayouts” title=”Global Page Layout Settings”]
[tab title=”Single Posts” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”2437″ caption=”Global Single Post Layout Settings” alt=”Global SinglePost Layout Settings” align=”none” icon=”zoom” width=”600″ autoHeight=”true” quality=”100″ lightbox=”true” group=”globallayouts” title=”Global Page Layout Settings”]
[tab title=”Single Portfolio” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”2438″ caption=”Global Single Portfolio Item Layout Settings” alt=”Global Single Portfolio Item Layout Settings” align=”none” icon=”zoom” width=”600″ autoHeight=”true” quality=”100″ lightbox=”true” group=”globallayouts” title=”Global Page Layout Settings”]