The Striking Theme allows to create as many custom sidebar area’s as required. Sidebar area’s can contain any of the available widgets in the wordpress widget area. The widgets are processed once the page is viewed in the front of a website and will presented the required data.
Custom Sidebars can be assigned on a page or post basis.
Default Custom Sidebars can be assigned global for :
[list icon=”check” color=”blue”]
[tab title=”Assign Sidebar” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
Default Custom Sidebars can be assigned global to archive pages for :
[list icon=”check” color=”blue”]
[tab title=”Default Archives” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
[tab title=”Archives Plugins” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
Default Custom Sidebars can be assigned to 3rd party Custom Post Types and Archive pages if the Striking Theme detects them :
[tab title=”WooCommerce” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
Default Custom Sidebars can be assigned to the Woo E-commerce Custom Post Type :
[notice]Custom Sidebars can contain widgets. The sidebars are visible in the wordpress –> appearance –> widget section. In here widgets can be added to each of the availabe (custom) sidebars. Striking has beside custom sidebars already a number of default sidebar area’s created and available in the wordpress widget section.[/notice]